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I sit with the computer, tired and aching around. It is cold and rainy with each bone in my body is protesting loudly. I look around me and noticed my son’s cologne. Usually Saturday and hes taking a shower as he prepares to go on the net. No doubt he will enter the room to retrieve it shortly. But before he does, I open the bottle to embrace its wonderful fragrance. I breathe in the woodsy, earthly smell. Strong and gutsy, yet not overpowering, my son’s choices in cologne parallel my run.

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I personally like musky scents, certainly not even mind having this on my skin today. It definitely has a masculine smell and Truly like it little husband, plus i can attest to the news that it makes his face softer into the touch. My spouse says that soothes and comforts his skin after he shaves.

My favourite food was banana splits, avon cosmetics largely because this decadent dessert was rarely offered our own meager household. When I visited Uncle Joe he certain I always had body. But first I to eat a hardy mealtime. There was nothing more important together with a growing girl than a hearty meal; a great big dish of corn beef and cabbage. Uncle Joe celebrated his Gaelic, Nova Scotia, heritage and was happy that I, a Quebec girl would celebrate with him. Later, we would walk together to the Dairy Queen so I was able to have my special think of.

We can all hear Stratford-Upon-avon representative on a breezy night when we sit quietly in our living room some a hundred plus miles away. Why? The wind chimes made of wood, purchased in the little twee facility. Oh for avon rep romance!

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