Joe Wicks announces he's stopping his daily PE lessons

Joe Wicks has revealed he’s cutting back on his online P.E.

lessons, which have gained millions of fans during lockdown.

The Body Coach star posted on Instagram on Monday to announce that this week marks the last full week of classes, after which he’ll be dropping down to three lessons a week.

As lockdown restrictions start to ease across the UK, Joe, 34,said he felt ‘very proud’ to have provided lessons five days a week for the past 13 weeks of lockdown, gaining 70million views worldwide. 

Reducing his timetable: Joe Wicks has revealed he's cutting back on his online P.E. lessons, which have gained millions of fans during lockdown

Reducing his timetable: Joe Wicks has revealed he’s cutting back on his online P.E.

lessons, which have gained millions of fans during lockdown

Sharing a photo of himself in fancy dress as Fred Flintstone the father-of-two announced: ‘Just a little update. It’s NOT OVER, but this is the last full week of PE with Joe.

I’ve loved every minute of it.’

‘All 13 weeks of it. It’s been so much fun and I’ve laughed so much. I’ve been on a mission to engage children in fitness for 4 years now and have travelled all over the U.K. visiting schools.’

‘I feel very proud that I’ve been able to bring so many people together during lockdown. We have had almost 70 million views worldwide on the workouts now which is truly mind blowing.’

He added that from next week there will be a ‘reduced timetable with three live workouts a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 9am. 

Not over yet! The Body Coach star posted on Instagram on Monday to announce that this week marks the last full week of classes, and he'll return with three workouts a week

Not over yet! The Body Coach star posted on Instagram on Monday to announce that this week marks the last full week of classes, and he’ll return with three workouts a week

Message: Sharing a photo of himself in fancy dress as Fred Flintstone the father-of-two announced: 'Just a little update. It's NOT OVER, but this is the last full week'

Message: Sharing a photo of himself in fancy dress as Fred Flintstone the father-of-two announced: ‘Just a little update.

It’s NOT OVER, but this is the last full week’

‘Thank you for your support and for all your messages of thanks and gratitude.

It’s been an incredible journey! Let’s keep going! Lots of love Joe ❤️’ the star ended his message.

On his Instagram Stories Joe explained that while he isn’t ‘physically drained, ’emotionally I’ve put in a lot of energy’, and promised he’d be ‘more energised’ for three workouts a week with rest days in between. 

Joe began providing his daily P.E.

lessons on his YouTube account at the beginning of UK lockdown on March 22.

The 30 minute sessions have inspired millions across the globe to start their day with a workout.

Joe’s wife Rosie even joined in, taking over as the ‘hottest substitute teacher’ ever  when he was forced to take time out due to a hand injury.

Needs a break: On his Instagram Stories Joe explained that while he isn't 'physically drained,but emotionally I've put in a lot of energy'

Needs a break: On his Instagram Stories Joe explained that while he isn’t ‘physically drained,but emotionally I’ve put in a lot of energy’

The couple’s two children Indie, 23 months, and Marley, six months, have also made appearances during the live streams from their London home.

Discussing the phenomenal success of his PE With Joe workouts during a recent appearance on Loose Women, Joe said: ‘I had no idea [what the reaction would be]. 

‘I’ve done a lot of YouTube workouts before, I’ve done a lot of live tours, I’ve visited schools in the UK.

I had a feeling a lot of people in the UK would get involved but not to the extent.. it’s been a global thing… different time zones all over the world!’   

Since launching his daily P.E classes, Joe has raised over £500,000 for the NHS through YouTube advert revenue. 

Lockdown lifesaver: Joe began providing his daily P.E. lessons on his YouTube account at the beginning of UK lockdown on March 22

Lockdown lifesaver: Joe began providing his daily P.E.

lessons on his YouTube account at the beginning of UK lockdown on March 22

And the Body Coach star has revealed he wanted to donate all the money as it felt wrong to benefit of something he set up to help people. 

It is this ethos that meant he also turned down offers from the BBC and Channel 4 as he feels streaming through YouTube ‘reaches more people.’   

The star revealed he was turned down by Channel 4 earlier in life when he approached them to do a show. 

He told : ‘Fast forward to now, I’ve got Channel 4 asking me to stream these PE workouts live.

I’ve got the BBC asking me to sign a contract. All these channels are now coming to me, and I’ve said, «Look, I want to do this on YouTube. I’m reaching more people. Why would I want to do it with you?»‘  

The fitness guru also shared that he was blown away by all the money he made but he never intended on profiting from this.  

Family: Joe's wife Rosie has even joined in, taking over as the 'hottest substitute teacher' ever when he was forced to take time out due to a hand injury

Family: Joe’s wife Rosie has even joined in, taking over as the ‘hottest substitute teacher’ ever when he was forced to take time out due to a hand injury

Cute!  The couple's two children Indie, 23 months, and Marley, six months, have also made appearances during the live streams from their London home

Cute!  The couple’s two children Indie, 23 months, and Marley, six months, have also made appearances during the live streams from their London home

He continued: ‘We didn’t even consider it when we set out, which is why we quickly decided to donate that money to the NHS.

It’s a phenomenal amount of money and it just felt right, seeing as it was the community that built it. I didn’t want people to think for a second that I had the intention of financially benefiting from any of this.’  

Throughout the pandemic Joe has consistently exercised to prevent him from getting ‘stressed.’

He told the magazine: ‘If I’m stressed from dealing with two screaming babies, I have to exercise, because it brings me back down a peg.

It also gives me energy and boosts my mood. No HIIT, though — it’s all low intensity. I might do 20 minutes on the bike, maybe a few weights.’

Wow: Since launching his daily P.E classes, Joe has raised over £500,000 for the NHS through YouTube advert revenue

Wow: Since launching his daily P.E classes, Joe has raised over £500,000 for the NHS through YouTube advert revenue 

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