Joe Wicks says he encouraged his wife to exercise during her pregnancy

Joe Wicks has revealed he ‘really encouraged’ his wife to continue exercising during her pregnancy — as he highlights the importance of mental health among pregnant women in isolation. 

The self-styled Body Coach, 33, who has been doing his bit to keep the UK active during lockdown, revealed his model wife Rosie, 29, stuck to a fitness regime during her pregnancy with their five-month-old daughter, Marley. 

‘During the pregnancy I really encouraged Rosie to exercise, I said «look, even if it’s just for your mental health, keep energised, keep moving,»‘ he said, speaking to editor-in-chief Claire Sanderson and her son and co-host, Zak, seven, on the Women’s Health podcast .

‘It’s been a lot of strength training, she did a lot of lunges, and squats to keep her legs strong, a little bit of cycling.’ 

Speaking on the Women's Health podcast Going for Goal, Joe Wicks, 33, revealed his wife Rosie, 29, continued to exercise during her pregnancy, but had a break after giving birth. Pictured, during Rosie's pregnancy with daughter, Marley (seen)

Speaking on the Women’s Health podcast Going for Goal, Joe Wicks, 33, revealed his wife Rosie, 29, continued to exercise during her pregnancy, but had a break after giving birth. Pictured, during Rosie’s pregnancy with daughter, Marley (seen)

The ‘nation’s PE teacher,’ who also has daughter Indie, 22 months, with Rosie, went on to explain that following the birth, she took a little while to get back into the swing of things because ‘being a mum is hard.’

‘To be honest, after the baby, she didn’t do a lot for a few months,’ explained the fitness coach. ‘Marley was quite dependent and quite needy so she didn’t do a lot of exercise.’

‘The last month or so she’s really gotten back into it, but really on her own accord. So it’s nice to see she’s falling back into it and she’s enjoying it. 

‘It’s hard being a mum and being up all night. It’s hard breastfeeding and she’s getting opportunities to do a little bit, even 20 minutes a day — it’s helped her a lot.’ 

The fitness coach, who teaches 'PE With Joe' on his Youtube Channel, said his wife gradually got back into exercising after giving birth to five-month-old Marley (pictured, together)

The fitness coach, who teaches ‘PE With Joe’ on his Youtube Channel, said his wife gradually got back into exercising after giving birth to five-month-old Marley (pictured, together)

The doting husband admitted that his wife looks amazing and that you would never be able to guess she’d just had a baby. 

‘She looks amazing, but she’s definitely one of these women, I’ll be honest, who a month after the baby went out, you’d never know had a baby,’ he explained. ‘Genetics have a massive impact on your body and what’s going to happen after you give birth.’

The fitness expert also had some words of encouragement to help motivate new mothers to get back into fitness.  

‘It’s important for women especially because there’s such an emphasis on, and I hear it all the time, «I want to lose my mum tum, I want to get my body back, what’s going on with me, I’m so weak, I’m so uncomfortable,» he said. 

‘You need to change the goal, from trying to get back to what you were to moving forward, trying to be stronger and trying to be fitter and doing it to feel good.’

He continued: ‘Step away from being focused on just body image, and you say «I want to do this to feel good. I want to exercise today to have more patience with my child, so that I have a better relationship with my husband or wife […]» that’s the reason you should exercise.’

‘And then, as a byproduct, six months later, you look up and you look fantastic and you feel strong.’

50 millions viewers tune in on Joe's PE lessons, keeping families around the country active during lockdown (pictured, two children following Joe's lesson)

50 millions viewers tune in on Joe’s PE lessons, keeping families around the country active during lockdown (pictured, two children following Joe’s lesson)

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