The 20 life lessons to transform your body and mind

A PE teacher and mother-of-two from the Gold Coast has shared the 20 life lessons which ‘changed her life and health rapidly’, leaving her in much better shape in her 40s than she was as an athlete in her 20s.

Belinda Norton, 43, abandoned excessive cardio training for weights while also transforming her diet, and has now published the 20 rules she followed to get both mind and body in top condition.

‘These lessons have been on the forefront of my mind to share during our unusual time in COVID-19,’ Belinda wrote on her

A PE teacher and mother-of-two from the Gold Coast has shared the 20 life lessons that she has learned that have 'changed her life and health rapidly' (pictured in her 20s and her 40s)

A PE teacher and mother-of-two from the Gold Coast has shared the 20 life lessons that she has learned that have ‘changed her life and health rapidly’ (pictured in her 20s and her 40s)

The first - and most important - thing the PE teacher (pictured) thinks you should do is stop postponing yourself, but rather take the time to nourish your body and move daily

The first — and most important — thing the PE teacher (pictured) thinks you should do is stop postponing yourself, but rather take the time to nourish your body and move daily

1. Stop postponing change 

The first — and most important — thing the PE teacher recommended was to stop putting off making changes.

‘Whether it’s for a time when things free up, for when the kids are not so tiresome, for when your partner is at home, when you turn a certain age — just stop,’ Belinda said. 

She said we can all find excuses to procrastinate, but we need to stop waiting for some ideal time, and begin changing our habits today.

2. Value your own thoughts 

Belinda said you should draw value from your own insights, and have the strength to stick to your own judgments and conclusions, rather than letting others influence who you are or what you should be.

‘You know. Trust your gut, your instinct,’ she said.

3. Get in shape with healthier foods

Belinda said nourishing foods will not only help you lose weight quickly, but also contribute to long-term health.

The 43-year-old favoured leafy green vegetables, lean protein and slow-release carbohydrates.

Belinda said since changing her diet and gave up the fleeting boost of snack foods for more energy-dense options, she has got leaner and feels healthier.

Belinda (pictured) said she focuses on getting movement into every day, whether that's a walk, run, cycle or stretches

Belinda (pictured) said she focuses on getting movement into every day, whether that’s a walk, run, cycle or stretches

4. Even small amounts of movement help 

Belinda used to obsess over running long distances when she was in her 20s, but these days she has a much healthier attitude towards movement.

Instead, she focuses on briefer but more regular movements into every day, whether that’s a walk, an ‘active break’, stretches, twists or lunges around the house.

Belinda said even such small amounts of exercise can be beneficial and staves off the stiffness and unhealthiness that arises from inactivity.

5. Nourish your brain with positivity 

Belinda recommended taking notes of your thoughts.

Once you are aware of negative thinking, you can recognise the need to ‘flip them’ and get yourself into a more positive frame of mind.

Belinda said you absolutely need to cook your own food (pictured) and eat the same as your children so they grow up not thinking that one of you eats differently

Belinda said you absolutely need to cook your own food (pictured) and eat the same as your children so they grow up not thinking that one of you eats differently

6. Cook your own food

Home cooking has always been important for Belinda, and said it was important not to adopt a niche diet separate to that of your family.

If you eat different meals, she said, you send a negative message to your children about their own foods, so you find meals that kids will like but are still healthy.

She stressed the need to reduce packaged food, and make takeaways ‘a treat’ rather than a staple of the diet.

7. Speak positively about your body

Just as Belinda highlighted the importance of thinking positively, she said much benefit can flow from speaking positively about your own body.

While many feel comfortable with self-deprecating comments, she said you cannot be fully happy in your body unless you speak positively about it.

She said that was particularly important in front of children.

8. Exercise with light weights four times per week

Belinda used to rely entirely on heavy cardio as here only form of exercise, but now recognises the benefits of weight training. 

While some women shy away from weights for fear of ‘bulking up’, Belinda works out with light weights four times per week without fail.

9. Value your money

Belinda’s life advice doesn’t extend to just physical and mental health but also to finances.

She said you need to budget and value your money to avoid debilitating financial stress — and only purchase items that you love.

10. Be grateful for the good times

Belinda said that part of mental balance is to offset the challenging aspects of life with a true appreciation for the good times rather than taking them for granted.

‘Always believe something beautiful will happen daily. We then tend to look for grateful moments and feel ultimately fulfilled,’ Belinda said. 

Belinda said she used to think cardio was the only form of exercise, but now she knows the benefits of weight training (pictured in her 20s when she did cardio and now)

Belinda said she used to think cardio was the only form of exercise, but now she knows the benefits of weight training (pictured in her 20s when she did cardio and now)

11. Slow down

The benefits of slow living have been extolled in recent years, and Belinda has emphasized how powerful it can be. 

She said while it’s okay to be busy, Belinda said you must set aside some time sit, be calm and be alone with your thoughts.

12. Eat slowly

You should also eat slowly and chew every mouthful at least three times.

That method not only prevents indigestion, but also stops over-eating that can result from scoffing food before realising you are full.

13. Drink a variety of water 

We have all heard the advice about drinking two litres of water per day, but Belinda said it’s not enough to just drink one type of water.

She recommends alternating between cold water, slightly warm water, mineral water and coconut water daily.

Belinda (pictured) recommends drinking cold water, slightly warm water, mineral water and coconut water daily

Belinda (pictured) recommends drinking cold water, slightly warm water, mineral water and coconut water daily

14. Baby spinach with every meal

She makes sure she has a little baby spinach with every meal, adding it to her eggs in the morning, her salad at lunch plus her dinner.

15. Walk every morning

The mum-of-two said she makes it a priority to go for a walk daily, especially at sunrise.

She said seeing the sunrise five times per week makes her feel energised.

16. Avoid carbohydrates after 5pm

Belinda said she makes sure to avoid carbs after 5pm at least four nights a week.

The digestive system slows down significantly once we sleep, and late-night carbs will often sit in the stomach all night. 

17. Eat pasta for lunch once a week

While late-night carbs were a no-no, Belinda said there are benefits to eating them earlier in the day.

She said eating pasta for lunch once a week will create ‘pure happiness’, while also giving a fullness that eliminates afternoon snacking.

18. Eat the rainbow

But if you are eating pasta, Belinda stressed the need for a balanced meal, represented by a rainbow of colours.

Ideally a meal of one-quarter slow-release carbs will be accompanied by half vegetables and one quarter lean protein. 

19. Try yoga

Even if it is for just eight minutes per day, Belinda said yoga will still help to ‘lengthen and strengthen’ your muscles.

That then allows for a broader range of subsequent exercises that seem beyond those with stiff and sore spots which yoga can defeat.

20. Become fearless

An important aspect of psychological health is to become fearless — sticking to your values and beliefs with confidence.

‘Trust your instincts. Smile. Give eye contact, it’s strengthening and remember — love is bottomless so spread that good stuff around,’ she said. 

To follow Belinda online — where she shares much of her health advice — please click here

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