Where Do We Come From?
The Soft Cogs began as an idea bantered around a few beers in a Hunter Valley pub. A clear observation was made at a local organised ride that there were no teams representing the mining industry, yet so many of us rode bikes
That was in 2005. Our first team was formed by only 19 members, mainly all working for Roche Mining (now Downer EDI Mining). Roche generously supported the initiative. Surprised at how much we fundraised, we continued the initiative with Downer continually getting behind the team. Team numbers grew, 38, 112 and so on. And so did our fundraising, $11k, $33k then $152k!
Ever since then we’ve continued to be one of MS Australia’s highest fundraising teams being in the top 5 teams for the last 6 years.
The Soft Cogs grew so big it became incorporated in 2012 to handle the workload and to create transparency in the management of the team’s business, particularly for legal compliance. Also, to shed the workload that one poor captain was carrying – on top of his normal day job!